Configuring Discourse AI for Summarization

I’m struggling to get Discourse AI configured and working, so we can use summarization. I’ve installed it on my server and have input my OpenAI organization ID and API keys.

Is it not working because something needs to go here?


I assume this would be my own server since everything’s running on the same machine? If so, how do I pull an API key?

Have you checked the summarization strategy setting? (I believe you’re on stable so still have that setting rather than the newer replacements).

Interesting. I didn’t even notice that setting whatsoever because it’s grouped in “Other” settings and not in the “Plugin” settings. I set it to gpt-4 but I’m still not getting Summarize with AI buttons.

It is a one of the more obscure places to tuck it away. :slight_smile: The replacement ones are back in the plugin setup area so you should see those next time you bump up a version (as soon as a couple of weeks or so :crossed_fingers:)

The guide still has the older instructions in, if you’d like to give that a once-over to see if it all sounds familiar - Discourse AI - Summarization

There was a ‘50 post minimum’ at one point, but I can’t remember how far back that was changed? It could still be part of stable. Do you have a topic with 50+ posts in you could check?

I went through the guide and have all the required fields populated. I’ve got the OpenAI keys as well as the following settings in Other:

I have plenty of topic threads that have over 50 posts. I’ve tried one that has 57 and another that has 276. In both cases, the “Summarize with AI” button does not appear at the bottom of the thread.

I’ve refreshed the site after updating all the settings. Is there something else that could be stopping this from working? The user I’m testing with is an Admin and thus in the Staff group.

It should be at the top of the topic, in the topic map of the OP.


Okay, I see it now! Thanks.

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