New Experiment: Enable AI Summarize on your Discourse with one-click!

As we aim to provide Discourse AI features to more of our customers, we are excited to announce that Discourse AI - Summarize is now available for Free, Standard, Business, and Enterprise tiers without the need for a 3rd party Large Language Model (LLM) provider.

This means Discourse is now providing a hosted open-weights LLM for customers to enable Summarize.

How do I enable Summarize?

You have the power to enable or disable Summarize at any time from the What's New section. All related customizations, such as who can generate and view summaries, are available within the Discourse AI plugin settings.

What does being an experiment mean?

This means that the AI feature is subject to change at any time, including its feature set and availability. We are using this as a means to test things out while opening the doors for more users to enjoy new features and give feedback.

:point_right:t5: For more information on Summarize check here.

Would love to know your thoughts! How are you enjoying it?


Hummm, cannot see this toggle in the What’s new section (my site is up to date).
Is it because my site is self hosted?


Hey @patrickemin, yes this announcement is specifically for those using our Standard, Business, and Free hosting tiers. We’re providing the summarization feature for customers without the need for a 3rd party Large Language Model (LLM) provider.

That being said, if you’re self hosted, the Summarization feature is still available to you, although it will require you to setup a 3rd party LLM in the Discourse AI plugin for it to work. You’ll need to grab API keys from a provider and insert those details in the plugin settings.

Here is some more information on how to do that. After doing so you should be able to enable the Summarization feature.


Ok, got it, thanks.


This is cool! We have the same error at Patrick, but we’re on a Business plan. No toggle available yet.


Sorry for the inconvenience @jonasrosland. There was a small bug preventing the toggle from being shown when rolling this out. This should now be resolved for you.


Hey folks, just checking in here as we have had a large number of sites that have enabled Summarize.

How is everyone’s experience using it so far? Have you been finding it useful in your communities?

Q: is it possible to limit use of Summarize for admins / moderators or other classes of users?

I tried this in my sandbox environment and it is super-promising. I hesitate to enable it on my production forum until I know what the downsides might be. If I enable it, it’s hard to take it away should we discover the negatives.


On my circles it is practically in zero use. I’m thinking disable it, but other hand — it is really cheap.

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I don’t think there is an option for that.
You could use some CSS to hide the button.

First, install this component: GitHub - discourse/discourse-groups-css-classes-in-body.
Then use this css:

.group-<identifier> .toggle-summary {
   display: none;

Where <identifier> is the group name.

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I don’t understand now. Why would showing summaries be anykind issue? It is just block of text.

Creating summaries may cost something, but it happens on background, and is a cost question, but it doesn’t care about group of users.

Updating summaries, or creating empty ones, can be limited using AI custom summarization allowed groups, can’t it?

Does the AI give more weight to comments with more likes or to users with a higher trust level (does it even have access to this or care about this), or does it give more weight to something mentioned by multiple people? Is it just taking all text equally? How does it decide what to include in the summary or not, anyone know?
Just curious.


Sort of, when a topic gets super long (60 posts or more) we use the “best of” algorithm to find the top posts so we don’t summarize thousands of posts in extreme cases.


We don’t have a way only to show the summarize button to a specific subset of users. The following is a site setting to enable the creation of “new” summaries.

Certainly, something for us to keep in mind as we give control of access for other AI features.

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