Category (group) can't be opened, page load forever

Hello dear community,

I’m encountering an issue with one of my group.
For some reason after I made this group I can’t access it anymore to modify the settings, page loads forever and nothing is displayed.
It happened once before and we had to delete the group in the DB cause I couldn’t do anything live. It seems we will have to do it again for this group.

Is it a known bug? (didn’t find anything about it)
Any workaround?

Thanks in advance,

Can you post some more details?

Which branch of discourse are you using?

  • Tests-passed (recommended by team)
  • Stable (slower updates, security fixes)

This to confirm is a members group?

We are on 3.3.0.beta5-dev

When I go in Groups, I have my list of groups + the ones per default and trust levels.
I can open them all except one group that I made that just won’t open when clicking on it.

There will be members in this group indeed, there is none at the moment and it is setup the exact same way as our others groups.

And that confirm you have admin rights?

You mentioned that you ran into a similar problem of not being able to access a group before and had to delete it

Were you able to identify a possible cause? If you can share details on how the group was configured and if okay the name of the group. May help with troubleshooting.

You may need to delete the group as per how you did last time. Then try to recreate the group and detail steps to see if this occurs again with the group your trying to create.


Yes I’m admin.

Nope, no clue why it bugged too earlier.

Name of the group is Affiliate with an icon and flare color.
Only visible to group owners and only admins and mods can message & mention.

All my other categories are set the same way without issues.
When previous one was bugged it was called Affiliate and this one was Affiliate1. We deleted affiliate cause bugged and affiliate1 was working perfectly while being setup the same way. After that I renamed Affiliate1 to Affiliate and it’s bugged again.

Yes I guess I have no choice to delete this group in the DB again but I would just want for it to stop doing that, for now there is 0 members in it but I can’t afford for it to do that once our users will be in.

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This might be something the team may want to possibly take a look at.

At a guess whatever caused the previous Affiliate group issue was not fully scrubbed from the database and renaming affiliate1 to affiliate has made this bug/issue resurface.

I would suggest maybe making the group with the name Affiliates or Affiliate Members. If slug name for Affiliate_Members use an underscore or dash.

Are you self-hosted or on a hosted plan?

Yeah I’ll just name it differently at this point if for some reason Discourse hate this word ^^
But I was curious if it was a know issue and if not wanted to report it.


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This could very well be a bug. If the team was aware of it; they would have issue a warning.

I would try it myself to see if I could reproduce it. But in this case would rather not as by your description it sounds like it requires a bit of work to remove.

Could this be something related to your ad blocker? Do you have this issue if you deactivate it?


What the heck, indeed the faulty group is showing if I disable ublock origin (which I obviously don’t want to). Why?

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Probably due to some malformed ad blocking rule, similar to why a user named @adman has their user profile blocked.

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I don’t have any personal rules, using the ones per default in ublock origin and I tend to believe they are properly made.

Then I guess I should rephrase as a well-intentioned rule causing problems. Can you put your Discourse on some sort of whitelist for ublock or something?

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I did the alternative, I disabled ublock origin, was then able to load this group and delete it and made an other one the exact same way but called it a bit differently.

But just so people know, seems like ublock origin doesn’t like the word Affiliate then ^^

Thank you to everyone for the help, I would have never thought of it being the issue.


I would never have thought an ad blocker could cause Havok like this. I guess makes sense though since the groups are wrapped in web coding. So likely thinks it is tied to affiliate link ads. :man_facepalming:

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This could also be an issue with other ad blocking plugins. Like antivirus and other malware scanners they use algorithms to identify patterns and will generally error on the side of caution.

Since things like usernames, groups and likely category names/slugs are wrapped in html, JScript and other code. The adblocker flag it as suspicious and block it.

A post like this one is not apt to be blocked as it is not heavily wrapped in code and seen more like a document.

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