Signup UX issue on Name field position

One of our users tried MANY passwords, with and without their new account user name resemblance… with special characters… all of them said “common” password and she could NOT signup … has anyone received or seen any bug on the latest update?

Screenshot 2024-08-04 at 3.21.50 PM

“Password too common” – I mean? wow? Anyone can help? Ideas?

I think the problem is that the password is the same as the name.

When your name was “fl0rentef0t0gr4f4!@?)(” I could guess that this is your password and you accidentally entered that into the name field as well.


@Discourse please IA is not correct on the Signup flow

Full Name
Screen Name

Having the “full name” as the last field confuses users into thinking it’s a “confirm password” and it’s just never a normal flow to add your “Full Name” at the end of a signup form.



I did the exact same thing today while signing up a test account on my site, just assumed it was a verify password box :man_facepalming:t2:


Yes, we’re with you on this. We will be working on a change here soon. The plan is to add a site setting that lets admins choose whether to show the Full Name field on the signup form, and whether it should be optional or required.