Migrating SFDC community to Discourse

There is a community on Salesforce that my team has been tasked to migrate to Discourse. I was able to find migration scripts for many platforms but not for SFDC. Can someone help with this?

Also, is it possible to move SFDC community to discourse?

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I’m not familiar with the Salesforce community platform (is it just one?), but it sounds like you have a similar question to this:

At least for now, that probably means finding someone to modify an existing import script for your needs. If you are looking to bring in freelance help, marketplace is the place to ask. :wink:


Oh similar request! I hope they are able to migrate smoothly. :slight_smile:

We have already hired a team who has done migrations before. But they don’t seem like they have a handle on SFDC. We wont be able to hire someone else now, since they are already onboarded.
But we might be able to consult.


It is possible, yes. We have migrated communities off Salesforce onto Discourse before.


Would you mind if I ask why you are migrating? One of my colleagues has suggested it as an option, but I can’t find much online about it.

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I think Discourse offers a better ‘community’ experience than Salesforce. Besides, I have already moved a site onto Discourse. It would be easier to maintain if both sites are on the same platform.


This might sufficiently put you off: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=In0dNZmuLco