Bookmarks can’t be deleted

Bookmarks act weirdly.

If I open a bookmarked topic I see this

instead of this:

I don’t care so much about what I see, but I can’t delete bookmarks anymore. Not even using the route “More options” and the trash bin there.

But there is more…

If I bookmark a fresh one, it acts normally and I can even delete it, and it stays deleted.

My finger slipped yesterday on my forum and I accidentally bookmarked a topic. A while ago I tried to delete that bookmark, and no luck. With new ones it works, so it looks like after time X its status or something changes.

If I change the used theme it looks like that topic isn’t bookmarked anymore. But if I leave and return, that small bugger is bookmarked again.

It happens here too and with safe mode in my forum. iPad and iPhone with DiscourseHub, PWA, and Safari.

Before you pressed the button, was it a ‘bookmark’ or an ‘edit bookmark’ button?
The post you have already bookmarked, is it the first post or another one?

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Just a plain grey bookmark button. Like with this bookmarked one:

And now this starts to get interesting.

I have those two bookmarks now.

So Discourse isn’t recognizing those old ones as bookmarks. When I try that grey bookmark button, it makes a new bookmark and both change their button to ”edit bookmark”. And after that, it lets me delete, but I have to delete both.

Will those stay deleted and not change to zombies… will see.

Did you bookmark a specific post or the topic?
You can bookmark the topic with the button at the bottom. But you can also bookmark specific posts within the topic with the buttons below each post. And you can only remove the bookmark at the place where you added it because they are all different bookmarks.

It is a bit confusing when you bookmark the topic and the first post, I always think of it as one bookmarks{topic-title}/{topic-id} and the other one bookmarks{topic-title}/{topic-id}/{post-id}. Even if post-id is 1 those are two different URLs, so 2 different bookmarks.

Good question. I don’t remember with those old bookmarks, but there is really high chance I bookmarked topics, because it is easier. And defenetly that accidentally bookmarking of mine in my forum was topic, not post.

I’m a bit confused.

Right. That’s after you bookmark the topic.

Isn’t that expected behaviour after clicking the ‘Edit bookmark’ button?

That ‘Delete’ button in the second picture doesn’t work?

That first image was a bookmarked topic opened from list of bookmarks. But it acts as it wouldn’t ever bookmarked.

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It works for the second bookmark that would be created if I even look it :smirk: but not the original one.

Mainly the issue is nowadays Discourse can show my old bookmarks, but doesn’t understand that all of my bookmarks are bookmarks.

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I re-categorize this to Support. Just because then I got that solved mark here.

I went through all my bookmarks and it was a matter of topic vs post indeed.

So there isn’t anything broken, no bugs whatsoever, and I’m really sorry about all that hassle :face_with_peeking_eye: