Intrusive dialog when setting a bookmark for a topic

Hi :slight_smile:

When I set a bookmark for a post, it’s far less intrusive than the intrusive dialog which was prompted sooner.
But, when I set a bookmark for a topic, it’s the same intrusive dialog than sooner.

Is there a setting for that, or is it a missing which I should report as a bug or as a feature?


I don’t know if it’s you, @supermathie , who made the correction, anyway thank you very much to whoever did it. :slight_smile:


Before replying, I made 2 bookmarks, one for the post, and one for the topic. (i don’t know if you can see them.)
I don’t see any difference between them.

Depending on how this feature have been designed:

  • either I should see a bookmark for a post, and another for a topic, even if they point on the same place,
  • or when I clicked to make the 2nd, it should edit the 1st instead.

I guess you are testing new features here, before making them available to other places where Discourse is used. :slight_smile:
Well, take a look also at synchronization when making bookmarks using keyboard shortcut instead of bookmark buttons.

Thank you very much, again. :slight_smile:

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Nope, not me, I’m pretty sure it was @martin and @joffreyjaffeux who deserve the appreciation due to this commit!

They are separate and should be treated separately. The topic bookmark is for the topic itself and goes to… looks like the last read post… while a post bookmark goes to that specific post.


Hi @Thomas_DC ,

We’ve now made it so the topic footer button that bookmarks the topic itself uses the new quick menu instead of the modal. The modal is now only shown if you edit the bookmark or chose the “Custom…” reminder option.

We are also intending to overhaul this modal in the near future, so stay tuned. Glad you’re enjoying the new functionality!