Discourse Solved Reminders - suggesting already solved topics

Hello! I installed the Solved Reminders Plugin and noticed it is populating suggested posts that are already solved, or some that don’t have a solution option (like announcements).

I’m not quite technical enough to see if the plugin is meant to exclude posts without the ability to be solved, or if that filtering isn’t included in the plugin.

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This sounds like a cool plugin. Unfortunately I do not see a topic here in Meta. If you have a GitHub account might also be a good idea to file a bug report there

I do have an account, but unfortunately the Issues are turned off on that repo :frowning:

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That is very unfortunate. I just attempted to use an @mention to see if I could identify an account for the DeV here. But was not successful as his account name there does not seem mirrored here.

It does though seem to be a really cool extension to the solved plugin. Imho it really should have been a pull request to the original plugin to add options

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Arpit is @techAPJ but he is currently traveling so won’t be around for a while.


That is awesome. Understandable with him being away. Your sleuth skills are definitely more adept then mine. :grin:

Likely helps he is apart if your excellent team!


Exactly. I hope we never get so big that I don’t recognise team members! Besides, Arpit has worked here longer than me.


Can you include some screenshots of the problem with examples? Reading through the code I can see it is restricting the list of candidate categories to ones that allow for solutions

Long term @hugh / @tobiaseigen we should probably just upstream the 2 features into the solved plugin to avoid code drift and more complicated maintenance