Solved Reminders Plugin

:discourse2: Summary Solved Reminders Plugin extends the functionality of Solved plugin by offering additional reminder capabilities for solved topics.
:hammer_and_wrench: Repository Link
:open_book: Install Guide How to install plugins in Discourse

:warning: Note that this plugin is in active development and not yet fully complete.

The Solved Reminders Plugin extends the functionality of the Discourse Solved Plugin by adding reminder and notification capabilities for topics requiring closure. This plugin not only helps in maintaining efficient topic management by encouraging users to mark topics as solved but also engages users through congratulatory messages.


  • Automated Reminders: Sends notifications to users, prompting them to revisit and mark their topics as solved.
  • Engagement Messages: Congratulates users who have successfully solved topics and suggests additional topics they might help solve.
  • Seamless Integration: Works in conjunction with the Discourse Solved plugin to ensure a smooth user experience.


To install the Solved Reminders Plugin, please follow the general plugin installation process described in the Discourse Meta guide:

  1. Edit your container configuration: Add the plugin’s repository link to your app.yml file under the hooks section.
    - exec:
        cd: $home/plugins
          - git clone
  1. Rebuild the Discourse Container: Apply the plugin by rebuilding your application.
./launcher rebuild app


After installation, you can fine-tune the plugin settings through the Discourse admin panel. Consider adjusting:


Once configured, the plugin will automatically function based on the settings configured by the admin. It actively participates in ensuring topics reach resolution by prompting relevant users with reminders and messages.

PM sent to user to remind them to mark a post as solution:

PM sent to user who marked the post as solution:

Users can disable the PM to recommend similar topics to mark as solution from their preferences:

Admins can adjust configurations as necessary to meet community needs.


Could the congratulatory PM state the topic title in its title? If the user gets multiple Solutions at one tkme, it could be confusing for the user if they do not know which Solution the PM is referring to.
Could there be a setting to control after n posts will rhe reminder be sent?


Just to double-check on two things:

  1. Does it only ever message the authors of topics that received at least 1 reply?
  2. Does it work together with the per-category solution plugin setting, meaning that if you want to disable it for some categories, you must disable the site-wide solutions plugin toggle and instead enable it for the categories where you want to use it?

Are the suggested topics random unsolved topics, or conversations that are related to the original solved topic? If they are related, how are they identified?

2 posts were split to a new topic: How to turn source code into a plugin

I could see this being extremely helpful, especially in our forum where people tend to forget to mark a reply as a solution after receiving one, and then our team would have to go in a remind them manually :weary:

Some other questions I have are:

  • Can we configure who send out the reminder PM, or is it always defaulted to Discobot?
  • Can we also tweak the PMs’ texts if we wanted to?
