Let's Encrypte with multiple domains wasn't working for ECC certs

Yeah. Sorry that I wasn’t paying close enough attention to undertand what you were talking about earlier. From my (bad) test, it “worked”, but I didn’t notice, and don’t know how to check that the ec-whatever cert is really there. Thanks for being persistent.

Does https://ssl-tools.net/webservers/extrahostname.myforum.us make it look like it’s got the Right Stuff?

I edited the OP now, so you can give it a shot, and copy/paste from the form above.

If you want to test yourself on a test site and can send me an SSH key, I’ll give you access to the one I just set up. Then you can do a clean install there with your own test domain. Or, you can just do it on your production site and hope for the best. :person_shrugging: