Double clicking on tags input causes loss of focus when editing a topic

When editing a topics tags, double clicking on the input causes it to loose focus, meaning typing doesn’t offer the auto suggest.

Steps to reproduce:

  • Edit a topic
  • Click on the tags input (it should now be focused)
  • Click on the tags input again (it should now loose the focus ring, but still be focused and allow keyboard input)


  • Slight inconvenience when it’s not focused and you’ve been typing to try and find tags

Every good bug report has a demo - so that’s what I have too :crazy_face:


OMG @noahl AT LAST.

I have been hunting for this repro for many many months. It gets so confusing as an end user cause you “think” autocomplete is broken.

We will get this sorted and report back.


Very annoying, here on Meta too! Thanks for reporting this.

This should be fixed once this is merged!


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