This is a fresh install of category-banners, on a category with an icon. For some reason, it duplicates the icon. Is there a way to default to the original category icon
being hidden when the category banners theme component is on?
I think you can use the css solution that was shared in Default category heading not hidden when category banner is used
Didn’t even find that bug…sorry!
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It still doesn’t align the text to the center of the icon, which I guess is another issue also mentioned in that topic with no resolution.
@Moin any chance you know that one?
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I don’t know very well the grid layout. That said…
If you don’t display the category descriptions at all, you can replace
.category-title-contents {
display: grid;
"logo title"
"logo description";
grid-template-columns: auto 1fr;
.category-title-contents {
display: grid;
"logo title";
grid-template-columns: auto 1fr;
The original layout splits the container into 4 cells, which misaligns the title:
Removing the “logo description” area makes it 2 cells:
Which allows you to vertically align the title by replacing:
.category-title-contents .category-title {
grid-area: title;
align-self: end;
.category-title-contents .category-title {
grid-area: title;
align-self: center;
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