Default category heading not hidden when category banner is used

Great theme component for categories! I’m running into an issue when I add a category logo that the category description displays in the default position on the category page as per the screenshot below. Is there a way to turn off the default placeholder of the category description from displaying when the “discourse-category-banners” is enabled? I would like the category description to display in the banner just as it is now. If I turn off the category logo then it displays correctly, seems to maybe be an issue when you have the category logo enabled. Any suggestions would be appreciated. Thanks


I had the same issue. You can fix that by editing your CSS:

.category-heading {
  display: none;

So if i have an image for a category, it shows image twice, for example - within the banner category and also outside. How to get rid of the outside image?


Seems a good idea to hide the default heading when the category banner is used. As long as the component doesn’t do it, you can use the css code provided by @gru above. (In case you need it there is a guide about how to Make CSS changes on Your Site)


Thanks, i edited the main theme css, and the image disappeared.

I just have one more question - is there any way to center align the text with image ?

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There is a setting to center the text. Give it a try!
