Discourse customize theme with private git repo


“The theme cannot be installed because the Git repository is inaccessible. Are you sure you want to continue installing it?”

Why do I receive this error when importing theme from private github repo?

I used the correct ssh from github, I created a key in github.

Is it because of misplacement of the file for the CSS of discourse?

Did you use this method?:


I did, but at the step of add deploy key in Discourse and click install in discourse, mine said "The theme cannot be installed because the Git repository is inaccessible. Are you sure you want to continue installing it?”

No, the SSH key is generated in Discourse and must be added to GitHub :slight_smile: (ie the other way around)

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Yes, I did this, I added the key in GitHub but it’s not working.

Same issue here.


@Learnmore_smart @jsimon6

I tested again the guide Robert linked above (Installing a theme from a private Git repository), and it works as expected.


Did you follow the steps? Give it another try report back if you encounter an issue.


Hi @Learnmore_smart welcome :wave:
did you get it working yet?

I wrote that guide and I just tested. it is working exactly as expected. make sure you have admin level access to the private repo and are using the SSH repo address when you install it on your forum.

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Our team is currently developing another feature, we will come back to this I guess around a few weeks. Thanks guys!

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