"136 / 137 user waiting for approval"

No matter how many users are in the review queue, if there are any users in the queue, I get a message that always (yes always) says there are either 136 users or 137 users in the queue. Every. Single. Time.

How do we fix this?


I get those messages too. When I enabled approval, not all existing users were automatically approved. ("must approve users" notifications are incorrectly triggered by old users - #4 by Moin). So I could find them with Data Explorer and approve them manually from their profile admin page. (But 136 are a lot for manual approval!)

There are also these bug reports:

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Thanks for those pointers @Moin.

With this

SELECT "users".* FROM "users" 
WHERE (suspended_till IS NULL OR suspended_till <= '2023-11-13 11:05:23.225614') 
AND "users"."approved" = FALSE 
AND "users"."active" = TRUE 
ORDER BY users.created_at DESC,users.username

I get 135 records.

Choosing the oldest one somewhat at random, samirbehara, I come to this user, who has public activity.

On the admin side of his account, I have the option to “Approve”, but I don’t understand why.

As I just told my dear colleague @ganncamp over Slack, I turned off these notifications on our instance this morning.

They really didn’t serve us any purpose.

And still, it’s weird that it showed us so many (130+) when the review queue was so clearly not at that count.

I haven’t paid particularly close attention here, so I may be off base.

I think that they joined and you subsequently turned on “must approve users”. They had already joined and been a user who could post, but then you later required approval, which you have not given. I think your options are to approve or delete all 135 of them either in the UX or in Rails.

Doesn’t that end up bulk approving the existing users?

Usually yes. But there is a bug, so for some users that doesn’t work.


That seems a bit odd, since (if I can SQL properly) ours seem to have User as some of their target types?

  users.id as user_id, approved, target_type, target_id
INNER JOIN reviewables ON users.id=reviewables.target_id
WHERE approved = false
ORDER BY user_id
userid approved target_type target
39 false User 39
127 false Post 127
276 false Post 276
278 false Post 278
328 false User 328

Isn’t this topic about the fact that it didn’t?

That’s on me, I skimmed a tad too much and missed that entirely I guess.

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