Incorrect user_field information - API docs

create user field

I see

  "user_field[name]": "string",
  "user_field[description]": "string",
  "user_field[field_type": "string",
  "user_field[required]": true

Are you sure ?

I think it should be something like

  "user_field: {
     "name": "asdf",
     "description": "asdf",
     "field_type": "confirm",
     "required": true

I believe that @blake wrote that documentation so let’s see what he reckons here.

Yes, if you are using Content-Type: application/json you should send it in like

The example in the api docs is using Content-Type: multipart/form-data, but I’ll be sure to update it to the json example.


Screen Shot 2020-08-20 at 15.48.17

Thank you @blake

The problem is … i see application/json in the example (so that’s why my partner spent all hours to figure it out how to use this call)


I also struggled for about 24 hours solid with this as the docs example suggests application/json formatted requests for creating a new user be boolean for user_field

I was being told I hadn’t finished all the required user fields … but in my case I have an existing required user_field I need to enter data into that field and it should be formatted like this:

  "name": "Full Name",
  "email": "",
  "password": "348hqpwfaed",
  "username": "UserName",
  "user_fields": {
    "1": "Required User Field Data"

The above formatting worked for me.

Are the docs correct in this case for creating a new user?

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Nope that was still the form-data format. I updated it to use json so that the example matches the format. Thank you for bringing this up!

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