1E9 says thank you, Discourse!

I would like to take a moment to express my deep gratitude here: With the help of Discourse, the great team behind it and the extraordinary community around it, we - the former team of WIRED Germany - were able to launch a new media platform in just a couple of weeks. Instead of the route that many publishers go - adding half-baked community features to their over-engineered cms -, we used all the available theme components and plugins and tried to give Discourse a magazine-like look and feel. And we’re very pleased with the results, please have a look:

1E9 is a German-speaking magazine, community and conference platform around new technologies and their implications for society. We want to shape the future together with our community. So we created a magazine section run by professional tech journalists, a public section („campus“) for news and UGC, a variety of closed sections („circles“) for nerds and experts and a conference section for our first big event in July. Today we launched the magazine. The community features that come with a paid membership will be available later this year, with a closed beta starting in the next weeks. (We would like to invite the German-speaking Discourse community to a free membership. If you’re up for it, please sign up here: https://forms.gle/2vm6iT87yzHNnkcX8)

So thanks again to all of you for helping us and providing such a great infrastructure for civilized discourse, indeed! Greatly appreciated. Here’s the link: https://1e9.community
