2020: The Year in Review

Top #tips & tricks Topics

Most Liked

User Topic Likes
How to start building stuff for Discourse if you're newbie (like myself) 33
Customize the loading icon 19
Create a table using markdown on your Discourse forum 13
Our solution for blurring NSFW content 12

Most Replies

User Topic Replies
What cool data explorer queries have you come up with? 21
What cool badge queries have you come up with? 19

Most Popular

User Topic Score
Customize the loading icon 17

Most Bookmarked

User Topic Bookmarks
What cool badge queries have you come up with? 145
What cool data explorer queries have you come up with? 123
How to start building stuff for Discourse if you're newbie (like myself) 121
Add a custom fontawesome icon and color to your tag 43
Create a table using markdown on your Discourse forum 40