2018: The Year in Review

2018's top Users

Most Time Reading

User Hours Read
@Mittineague 429
@pfaffman 242
@tshenry 154
@TheBestPessimist 126
@merefield 122
@Stephen 107
@cpradio 94
@riking 88
@tophee 81
@itsbhanusharma 80

Most Topics Created

User Topics
@pfaffman 90
@McBlu 69
@tophee 66
@canapin 56
@tobiaseigen 53
@merefield 47
@Pad_Pors 45
@AstonJ 44
@cipdeleon 44
@Stranik 43

Most Replies Created

User Replies
@pfaffman 1853
@Stephen 740
@Mittineague 714
@itsbhanusharma 713
@merefield 644
@angus 593
@tophee 543
@riking 372
@cpradio 351
@sgorle1 327

Most Replied to

User Replies
@pfaffman 1080
@Stephen 521
@angus 482
@itsbhanusharma 402
@Mittineague 383
@tophee 380
@merefield 353
@sgorle1 245
@riking 211
@tobiaseigen 202

Most Likes Given

User Likes
@pfaffman 4221
@nawthor 3032
@fefrei 1717
@Stranik 1499
@tobiaseigen 1286
@tshenry 1283
@merefield 914
@riking 772
@itsbhanusharma 762
@tophee 715

Most Likes Received

User Likes
@pfaffman 3876
@angus 2215
@cpradio 1242
@Mittineague 1234
@riking 1230
@Stephen 1206
@tshenry 1194
@tophee 1192
@merefield 951
@itsbhanusharma 831

Most Visits

User Days Visited
@cpradio 365
@Mittineague 365
@pfaffman 365
@tshenry 365
@mcwumbly 364
@Stranik 364
@tobiaseigen 363
@Yuun 363
@Steven 361
@omarfilip 359

Users Granted the Tech Support Badge

@Stephen @robmc @tshenry @omarfilip @itsbhanusharma @mikechristopher @schungx

2018's top Topics


Most Read

User Topic Hours Read
How to make users to explicitly agree to ToS 40
Firefox experiences Network Protocol Violation on Discourse based Websites 25
Fix quotes after phpBB import 23

Most Replies

User Topic Replies
CleanUpUploads job never completes leading to Sidekiq hanging and restarting 85
Fix quotes after phpBB import 81
Back button in iOS PWA 75

Most Popular

User Topic Score
Experiencing touch offset issues replying on Android 23
Display username when login in banner 22
Invite tokens accepted and ROT13 transformed 22


Most Read

User Topic Hours Read
My thoughts about ‘reputation’ or ‘karma’ 25
Problematic IP address fields 20
Handling Bingbot 20

Most Liked

User Topic Likes
Add links to meta.discourse.org instructions inside admin 21
Upgrading common password prevention - Pwned Passwords v2 18
Include graphs of previous trend on the dashboard 18

Most Replies

User Topic Replies
Instagram oneboxing 61
My thoughts about ‘reputation’ or ‘karma’ 46
Feature Idea: Universal Inline Whispers 45

Most Popular

User Topic Score
Include graphs of previous trend on the dashboard 28
Upgrading common password prevention - Pwned Passwords v2 27
Notify users of bouncing email 26


Most Read

User Topic Hours Read
Learn how to build Discourse plugins by helping me 15
Community supported official docker image 14
Customization login page 14

Most Liked

User Topic Likes
Learn how to build Discourse plugins by helping me 45
Some things I've built which you can use 44
Announcing Discourse Doctor 23

Most Replies

User Topic Replies
Discobot for training 26
Running Discourse on Docker for Mac 24
Community supported official docker image 23

Most Popular

User Topic Score
Learn how to build Discourse plugins by helping me 42
Some things I've built which you can use 31
Evaluating Google's Perspective API on your Discourse forum 30


Most Read

User Topic Hours Read
I dislike the new mobile topic header behavior in 2.2.0.beta5 58
A more social Discourse layout 29
How difficult would it be to make the Discourse UI more like Flarum? 22

Most Liked

User Topic Likes
Usercard for groups 18
Discourse should ignore if a character is accented when doing a search 17
A more social Discourse layout 16

Most Replies

User Topic Replies
I dislike the new mobile topic header behavior in 2.2.0.beta5 97
Discourse should ignore if a character is accented when doing a search 51
A more social Discourse layout 48

Most Popular

User Topic Score
Discourse should ignore if a character is accented when doing a search 29
A more social Discourse layout 29
Usercard for groups 28


Most Read

User Topic Hours Read
GDPR countdown and compliance 79
Providing data for GDPR 75
GDPR troll defense? 28

Most Liked

User Topic Likes
Using discourse as ticket system, so no balls are dropped :woman_juggling: 23
How we're using Discourse for a daily design challenge 18
Human-driven copy-paste spam 17

Most Replies

User Topic Replies
GDPR countdown and compliance 90
Providing data for GDPR 82
GDPR and anonymizing personal data 60

Most Popular

User Topic Score
GDPR countdown and compliance 30
Human-driven copy-paste spam 29
Providing data for GDPR 28


Most Read

User Topic Hours Read
Trust-Level Avatar Flair 32
Topic Stopwatch 12
Joe's Personal Discourse Theme 11

Most Liked

User Topic Likes
Add Category Column 38
Joe's Personal Discourse Theme 35
Trust-Level Avatar Flair 33

Most Replies

User Topic Replies
Trust-Level Avatar Flair 65
Material Design Stock Theme 62
Daemonite Material Theme 30

Most Popular

User Topic Score
Joe's Personal Discourse Theme 38
Trust-Level Avatar Flair 37
Add Category Column 28


Most Read

User Topic Hours Read
Babble - A Chat Plugin 64
Topic List Previews 37
Tickets Plugin :tickets: 24

Most Liked

User Topic Likes
Legal Tools Plugin 44
Collude - a collaborative text editor for Discourse 41
Events Plugin :calendar: 33

Most Replies

User Topic Replies
Events Plugin :calendar: 367
[ARCHIVE] Topic List Previews 364
Locations Plugin 208

Most Popular

User Topic Score
Legal Tools Plugin 42
Collude - a collaborative text editor for Discourse 40
Tickets Plugin :tickets: 35


Most Read

User Topic Hours Read
Using Discourse for a short while, majorly impressed! 5
Moved from PluXml and phpBB to Wordpress and Discourse, my all-new experience :tada: 5
Discourse is the by far most awesome solution for open source community platforms 5

Most Liked

User Topic Likes
Thank you Hawk, Jay, & Discourse for awesome service 34
Excellent Support from Discourse Meta 31
Incredibly impressed and not just with your software 28

Most Replies

User Topic Replies
Custom, white label mobile apps 11
Moved from PluXml and phpBB to Wordpress and Discourse, my all-new experience :tada: 10
We just released our Discourse instance (heavy theme customization) 10

Most Popular

User Topic Score
Moved from PluXml and phpBB to Wordpress and Discourse, my all-new experience :tada: 28
Custom, white label mobile apps 26
Thank you Hawk, Jay, & Discourse for awesome service 25

#tips & tricks

Most Read

User Topic Hours Read
Terms of Service Notes and Tips 20
How to create a new topic button with category and topic template 12
WP / MemberMouse / Discourse Integration Guide 10

Most Liked

User Topic Likes
How to start building stuff for Discourse if you're newbie (like myself) 29
Terms of Service Notes and Tips 21
Setting up a smart chatbot on discourse :robot: 17

Most Replies

User Topic Replies
What cool data explorer queries have you come up with? 55
How to add forum search results to Wordpress search 32
WP / MemberMouse / Discourse Integration Guide 31

Most Popular

User Topic Score
Terms of Service Notes and Tips 31
WP / MemberMouse / Discourse Integration Guide 25
Displaying Star Rating in SERPs with Discourse 21


Most Read

User Topic Hours Read
Create a group that automatically adds associated flair to its members' avatars 4
How to sync your backups to cloud storage (alternative method) 2

Most Liked

User Topic Likes
Create a group that automatically adds associated flair to its members' avatars 16
Nofollow link settings 11

Most Replies

User Topic Replies
Setting up webhooks 12
Discourse CDN set up with KeyCDN 10

Most Popular

User Topic Score
Create a group that automatically adds associated flair to its members' avatars 17
Nofollow link settings 13
How to sync your backups to cloud storage (alternative method) 11

Ooo this is nice! :star_struck:

We have an annual update and I’d love to include this as part of it. Anyone know whether we can control where/how this is posted?

Well done everyone who has featured in the above, and thank you to everyone who has contributed to and worked on Discourse - making it the best forum platform out there!!! :ok_hand:t3:


This is great :+1: Would like to see this on our forum also


See Discourse Yearly Review.


Oh wow just noticed I feature in it!!! (Had no idea I posted that many topics tho - is it a bug? Did I really post 44 topics last year?)


I think it would be nice to have a notification if a member features in this too :smiley:


Didn’t you get a notification from being mentioned?


No notification for me, either.

1 Like

Yes, I just double checked with a Data Explorer query to be sure.

You should have received a notification - I’m sure getting a lot of them in my dev environment. My guess is that the problem with notifications for this topic is that I initially published it to a private category as a shared draft. I recategorized it later to be public. I’ll take a look at that.


Thanks Simon, and just to confirm, I did not get a notification:

Thanks for checking.

I’m quite surprised actually! This place is so busy that I would have thought there were far more people posting a greater number of topics than me. I hope what I’ve posted has also been of use to others :relaxed:


IIRC, I received a mention notification from “system” prior to my visiting this topic. I Watch this category. For a while I had only a multiple replies notification for this topic. Now I have a single reply notification for this topic.


2019: The Year in Review