23+ minute app rebuild times and what to do?

I’m experiencing incredibly long app rebuild times at 23+ minutes right now. This is running on a Linode 4 CPU system with 8GB of RAM with a lot of free space on an SSD drive.

Can this possibly be usual or normal?

I understand I could split web & data containers, but I’d really like to trim down this time. This seems incredible and has appeared to have jumped by multiples over the past few months.


I run many sites and this hasn’t been my experience. Have you changed anything else in that time? I’ve noticed the longest rebuild times are for sites with many plugins to download. You could try commenting them out and see if that makes a difference. :slight_smile:

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The switch to ember-cli has made rebuilds more time and memory intensive.


@maiki no actual changes unfortunately. I don’t see any suspect plugins.

@pfaffman that seems the likely culprit here. Ugh. Might also have some bearing on why I’m seeing this now too: Redis trouble: "Job exception: MISCONF Redis is configured to save RDB snapshots...".



Related maybe?


I think this is the problem @Canapin, but I can’t be entirely sure. It does feel like it and the behavior seems the same or very similar - as well as the times noted in difference going from 10 or less minutes to times like 30 minutes. I’m hoping to find the issue so I can track it. This is a killer problem.

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I also noticed that rebuilds are way longer on all my instances, so I start a video game when I have to rebuild :space_invader: :smile:


Lol, or I would lol if I weren’t fighting the other problem I linked to above. I’m trying to debug a recurring Redis-death issue and each rebuild of the image is like a game of Nerf Russian Roulette… I’m getting so sick of the pain of the impact on my temples.

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