(Lucas Willems)
October 25, 2023, 10:47am
I have a website and a Discourse forum. On the Discourse forum, I want to put a blue check badge (similar to Twitter one) next to the username of people who pay the premium account on my website. This way, when a user with a premium account posts, a blue check badge is displayed next to its username and shows its status.
How could I do this with Discourse?
October 25, 2023, 10:50am
Hello there Lucas,
Off the top of my head I can think of two ways to achieve this. I’ll leave it up to you do decide which one you prefer.
You can use this theme component
Please consider using GitHub - paviliondev/discourse-post-badges-plugin instead of this component.
As it currently stands, this component will make one ajax request per loaded post. This can add up depending on your hosting situation and community size, so please keep that in mind as you consider installing this component. It’s clear that there is a good amount of interest in this feature, so hope to improve the situation as time permits.
Post Badges …
This would involve creating a badge for users with premium account and granting the badge to those users.
Use group flairs
Group avatar flair displays to the bottom-right of a user’s avatar, providing a stylish way to highlight a user’s group membership. When creating or configuring a group, an admin can choose an image or Font Awesome icon to use as group flair. Below are the currently supported contexts, using our logo as an example:
User cards
Topic/PM posts
Topic maps
User profile banners
User summary “Most…” lists
You would create a group select an icon to use as a flair and add the members you want to the group.
Hope this helps
(Jay Pfaffman)
October 25, 2023, 9:10pm
Group flair is the best way to go. It works out of the box.
I am using GIF in Group avatar flair and I have to say it’s my next best thing on the Discourse.
I do want to know, if that’s something safe to use or not?
Also I want to know, is it possible when you grant someone a badge, it also automatically give user a avatar flair.
Hey @lcswillems ,
I also had similar requirement for my forum. I am adding all such users in a group and they are automatically grated a blue tick, as explained by @ondrej
Use group flairs
I can share my forum’s blue tick, it’s actually a GIF and I love it.
Tick GIFs
I can also share with you few other variations.
I like the last green one too.
These are great. how do I download one?
1 Like
November 14, 2024, 1:09am
Right click and copy image.