Where do you tend to post/search for Community Manager Job Listings?

Of course there are platforms like linkedin etc, however I’m wondering if there are better platforms for community specific talent.

For example the CMX Job Board has a number of community positions.

What other platforms do you use when looking for community specific talent?


Excellent question. I was wondering the same too. I assume by community in your post, you meant “Discourse Community”, correct?
I searched some job boards but did not find any listings for “Discourse community” positions. There are some for Discord, but none for Discourse.
Is it that job listing managers are too verbose in their listings or such positions are not there, being that Discourse is relatively “new”?


That would be the main focus for sure, but in my current sittuation, even people who have had a good level of responsibility or engagement in other platforms would be viable.

I found a handfull over the last year or so. When looking for Discourse specific jobs, the best way seems to be to reverse engineer the search somewhat. By this I mean looking at companies that use Discourse and browsing through their vacancies. What I’m missing is the other direction - where would be a good place to find the best talent.

Could be. It also really depends on the type of community. We have an internal developer community, whereas many other job listings seem to be more outward facing, and marketing driven. This was also a trend I noticed speaking to people at CMX last year. Community often means audience for a lot of companies.


I think this is still the place to find community jobs.
Apart from referrals from friends of course.

For reference, here’s how I found my previous jobs:

  • referral from a friend
  • recruited by a former colleague
  • job board (I’m not sure which one)
  • job board (fairly sure it was CMX)
  • reached out to someone in my network

Led by Community seems pretty active and curated. Else I believe it’s best to join the Slack communities of CMX and Community Club. There are jobs channels that have frequent new postings.


That’s an important distinction for if you are talking about internal community as opposed to customer community for a company. That could be more categorized as a “Human Resources” management position, you may be able to make post for that in the marketplace here. Also there is a discourse site called “Rad H.R.” that may be good resource:

That site has member here: @carbonrich

There is also a new undergrad major for “Community, Environment, and Planning” at the UW CBE here you could try recruiting from those graduates is only about 20 per class:


That is part of the college of built environments at UW they have some public events posted at their calendar and I can invite guests to Alumni events.


We’ve been around for 10 years. Job listings don’t generally list the platform unless it’s Discord, because that is a very specific type of community management.

Yeah their newsletter has lots of jobs listed. That would prob be my first stop these days.


Wow! Didn’t know this platform has been around that long. Someone was telling me, Discourse was a relatively “new” tool that’s about 3 years old. Great to know.


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