Unable to add category id to each topic from during migration from Drupal to Discourse

I am migrating to discourse from drupal. But now I am facing issue with the mapping between Category and topic, So can you help on this topic that will be very much helpful to me.
@ Jay Pfaffman Can you please help , I saw you helped in various migration issue so I thought I tag you, If you can please help on this.

@pfaffman Can you please help me on this issue ?

Sorry. That’s not much to go on. You’ll need to provide much more detail about what the problem is and what you have done to figure it out.

If you’ve got a budget, my email address is in my profile.


HI @pfaffman Thanks for you reply but somehow that issue has been resolved.
and currently I am facing one major issue that is , in backend all topics and post are stored but that is not reflecting in discourse front end and most of the topics are not showing in the right board.
Can you please help me on this issue.
Thanks In advance!!

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