Managing tags in bulk

Hi everybody!

I’ve been searching for a while and couldn’t find anything that matches these two questions I’ve got about tags:

  1. Is there a way to create a Tag Group FROM a cvs file? I see I can upload a CVS file and afterwards I can create the group and manually add each tag, but in my case I need several groups with many tags, and it’d be pretty tedious.

  2. Can tags be managed and sorted in bulk? In order to solve the same issue, if I could select multiple tags and choose a Tag Group for them, this would be much easier. Also, this would allow managing a lot of tags lost in “Other” tag group without having to do it one by one.

Any tool or recommendation for achieving some further organization with tags is welcomed!

Thanks in advance :raised_hands:

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Hi :smile:

Tags can be uploaded via a csv in the /tags page.

Yes! But when uploading I can’t select a group, and they end up in the Other group.

Have you previously created a tag group prior to uploading the tags? You can assign a tag group to the tags in the csv.


Yes! Is there a format in the CVS that I should follow? I tried with commas, but it named the tags “tagname-taggroup” and they weren’t saved in the group.


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Tag name in Column A and Tag group in column B


21 is not the amount of times I tried incase anyone was wondering :laughing:

The description when you click ‘Upload’ is confusing the way its formatted in my opinion. It makes it look like you can write it all in one cell.


Thank you!! :100:

Exactly! This confused me.

Now I’ll try the other way.

I’ll close the topic with your answer.


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