I’ve been paying around with tags for two weeks now and I would like to make some suggestions. I’m not sure if I must split them or not.
There is an option to upload tags / tag groups from CSV. Can it be expanded with the other relevant fields for tag groups “parent tag”, “limit to one tag” and "visibility? I have no experience with the “visibility” but I did miss the first two options at occasion.
A download option. When modify the tags on the website, there is a risk that there will be a mismatch between the web site and the CSV files that were uploaded. The download option woul;d allow me to have the tags in sync.
Note that (to my knowledge) I do not have access to the backend, else I could probably run a query.
I can probably use that to download the existing tags; will look at it. The DB behind this is postgress if not mistaken? So it might require a bit of study with rusty knowledge of MySQL and MSSQL
Based on the name I have some doubts that it can be used to upload tags
One part solved; it would still be nice to have it as a functionality.
For those that need a query to extract tags with tag groups in the format that is also used for the upload of tags / tag groups, the below query will do that
SELECT t.name as tag, tg.name as "tag group"
from tag_groups as tg
left join tag_group_memberships as tgm on tg.id = tgm.tag_group_id
left join tags as t on tgm.tag_id = t.id
where tg.name = 'boards-and-microcontrollers'
order by tg.name asc, t.name asc
Next you can save to csv (or json) after running the query.