Banner Featured Links

:information_source: Summary Banner Featured Links allows you to create a banner of links.
:eyeglasses: Preview Theme Creator
:hammer_and_wrench: Repository GitHub - Arkshine/discourse-banner-featured-links
:question: Install Guide How to install a theme or theme component
:open_book: New to Discourse Themes? Beginner’s guide to using Discourse Themes

Install this theme component


Banner Featured Links allows you to create a banner of links.
It provides a wide range of customization options.

It’s a feature inspired by the fantastic “Meta Branded” Discourse theme.


The default look – it uses the theme color.

The button can be styled separately:

You can place the links at various places via the plugin outlet setting.
A list of common locations is provided in the description.
The image displays a computer screen with a text box and a button.  (Captioned by AI)

:information_source: I recommend using the Plugin Outlet Locations theme component to see where the plugin outlets are located!

For example, if you want to mimic the Meta Brand theme, use the search-banner-below-input outlet. It assumes you have installed the Search Banner component.


The current style can be achieved with the following settings:

I encourage you to try your style!



Name Description
links Text links to be displayed in the header.
show_for_members Display the links for logged-in users.
show_for_anon Display the links for anonymous users.
display_on_mobile Display the links on mobile devices.
display_on_desktop Display the links on desktop computers.
display on homepage Displays the links on the homepage.
url must contain Enter paths that should display the banner. Add * to the end of the path as a wildcard.
plugin outlet The location to display the links.
Common Locationsabove-main-containerabove-site-headerafter-headerbefore-header-panelbefore-list-areabefore-topic-listbelow-site-headerheader-list-container-bottomtopic-above-post-stream
Search Banner component:

links setting:

Name Description
Icon The FontAwesome icon or emoji to display for the links.
Windows: Win + .
Mac: Cmd + Ctrl + Space
ChromeOS: Launch + Shift + Space
Title The title of the link.
URL The URL to link to.
Target Opens the linked document:
_blank: in a new window or tab (this is the default)
_self: in the same frame as it was clicked
_parent: in the parent frame
_top: in the full body of the window.

You can also style per-button. It will overwrite the global style.

Name Description
Width The width of the button.
Font The font of the button.
Rounding The amount of rounding to apply to the button.
Background The background color of the button.
Background Hover` The background color of the button when hovered.
Color` The text color of the button.
Color Hover` The text color of the button when hovered.
Border The border of the button.
Border Hover The border of the button when hovered.
Shadow The shadow of the button.
CSS Classname A custom CSS class to apply to the button.
Useful if you want to style the button differently and the settings are not enough.
You can target with .banner-featured-links__link.your-classname {}

Global Styling

Customize the default spacing and look of the links.
You can overwrite the button styling for each link individually.

Buttons Wrapper Styling

Customize the container of the links.

Name Description
buttons wrapper max width The maximum width of the buttons wrapper.
buttons wrapper margin The margin of the buttons wrapper.
mobile buttons wrapper max width The maximum width of the buttons wrapper on mobile.
mobile buttons wrapper margin The margin of the buttons wrapper on mobile.

Buttons Spacing & Text Font

Customize the spacing of the buttons and the font size of the text.

Name Description
buttons justify How to distribute space between and around links.
buttons gap The gap between the buttons.
buttons font The font of the buttons.
mobile buttons justify How to distribute space between and around links on mobile.
mobile buttons gap The gap between the buttons on mobile.
mobile buttons direction The direction of the buttons on mobile.
mobile buttons font The fpnt of the buttons on mobile.

Button Styling

Customize the default look of the buttons.

Name Description
button width The width of the button.
button padding The padding of the button.
button rounding The amount of rounding to apply to the button.
button background The background color of the button.
button background hover The background color of the button when hovered.
button color The text color of the button.
button colo hover The text color of the button when hover.
button border The border of the button.
button border hover The border of the button when hovered.
button shadow The shadow of the button.

Advanced Customization

You can use the following CSS to customize further:

.banner-featured-links {
  &__wrapper {


  &__wrapper-links {


  &__link {


If you provide a customization per button, you can provide a class name in the CSS Classname setting.

Then, you can target this way:

.banner-featured-links {
  &__link.myclass {


Useful links


  • Discourse for the idea, inspired by the amazing Meta Branded theme.
  • Don and nolo – They made an initial version; I took some of their ideas.

One meta comment to improve an otherwise good quality introduction of a component: a screenshot from a mobile. It would save time when choosing between usefulness, pros and cons.


Was this inspired the Meta Branded theme?

I think so :wink:


Must’ve skimmed it too much - I was looking at the ‘Credits’ section :laughing:


No worries. I’ve updated the credits section to make it clearer. Thanks!


I pushed a small fix if you installed the component the first time. :+1:
My last commit renamed a setting, but the default values were not updated.
Thanks to @nolo for reporting the issue!