Redis used_memory limited to 1024mb?

It seems like there is some limit preventing Redis from being able to use more than 1024mb?

I have noticed as soon as that amount is exceeded in the Sidekiq dashboard (MB RSS) is when I start getting logs like:

Your Redis network connection is performing extremely poorly. Last RTT readings were [96585, 101554, 97189, 99769, 94618], ideally these should be < 1000. Ensure Redis is running in the same AZ or dat

When I check using this:
./launcher enter app
redis-cli info memory

This is the result:

# Memory

I set this in the app.yml:

In the Sidekiq dashboard, there is 4,553 MB RSS being used and utilisation is 100%. This is with 2 UNICORN_SIDEKIQS with DISCOURSE_SIDEKIQ_WORKERS not being set (so the default of 5).

I was under the impression UNICORN_SIDEKIQ_MAX_RSS would allow redis to use more ram? Iā€™m a bit lost, any guidance would be appreciated! :love_letter:

This is with Discourse 3.3.2 Stable.

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