Should it be possible to add and remove users from moderators group?

The moderators group is automatic, and people are added/removed by admins via the user admin page. So I think the + Add Users and + Invite buttons should not be shown at the top, and the admin wrench next to each username with options to remove them should not be shown either.

Furthermore, if you try to add or remove a user here it will not work and fails silently, with no error shown.

These buttons are all also shown on the admin and trust level groups as well.


Agree - they should clearly not be displayed there.


I have the impression they were “added” recently. I am quite sure they were not there when I wrote Admin.groups.manage.membership.automatic not replaced - #6 by Moin.

But maybe it’s related to the changes there. In FIX: Allow anyone who can manage groups to see Automatic tooltip by martin-brennan · Pull Request #30174 · discourse/discourse · GitHub, checks whether the group is an automatic group have been removed.

canManageGroup is used in discourse/app/assets/javascripts/discourse/app/templates/group-index.hbs at main · discourse/discourse · GitHub to decide whether to show those buttons or not.


Great catch!

It was fixed in this PR