We use Discourse very successfully as our outward facing forum. I am one of users that posts a lot of new messages. Recently (it is currently May 2016) I have found that I am getting a 403 message whenever I try to publish posts with included images or try to edit those posts to add an image.
At first I thought that the problem was with the links on a page as I can create a post if I leave out the images but then today it allowed me to post with an image embedded.
I use Snaggit to take a screen shot and copy paste the image into the post editor. I use an up to date Chrome. Discourse hosts the forum for us and I always accept the message saying to you want to use the latest version.
thanks for getting back. I went in again this morning to load the images into the posts with a view to watching the logs at the same time. However this time the images loaded and the post saved with out an issue.
I then looked at the logs in the console. I can’t see anything in the time frame that I was editing the posts. Here is a screenshot.
this issue has re-occurred today. I got a 403 when trying to change the category a post was located in. This time I took a screen shot of the console. Hopefully that will give you an idea where to look.
Is there a reason you are running through cloudflare as opposed to pointing DNS directly at us? In general we only support these kind of reverse proxy setups for enterprise customers because they are very fiddly to get right.