500.html needs absolute links in original English texts

Original string:

No further action is necessary. However, if the error condition persists,
you can provide additional detail, including steps to reproduce the error,
by posting a discussion topic in the <a href="/category/meta">meta category</a>.

Here, the link should be absolute and link to the meta category of the Discourse Meta website - this is needed so that translators use the same absolute link in the translations as well. Otherwise it will link to a (possibly non-existent) local meta category.


Hmm good point in fact that category is not even named that now out of the box in Discourse. Can you take this minor edit @neil?

I don’t agree with linking to the Discourse Meta website. The site owner should be notified, not us.

The problem with putting a link in those static html files is that they won’t work on subfolder installs. We should avoid putting a link at all.


The ideal would be a link to a PM to moderators like:


This works because ember router intercepts even on subfolder installs, and make the link work.

It won’t work in a new tab however. And neither if the trust level is too low.

Ember isn’t loaded on 500.html, so it wouldn’t work there.


Regardless the category name should be corrected it is no longer meta as of a while ago?

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I updated copy to remove the link and be a bit more vague.

…by posting a discussion topic in the site’s feedback category