Jhead and svgo errors while running specs


«Beginners Guide to Install Discourse on Ubuntu for Development».
I use the latest stock version of Ubuntu Desktop (16.04.3 LTS) which is unmodified, without any extra packages previously installed apart from the guide’s previous steps packages .

The bundle exec rake autospec guide’s step fails:

jhead worker: jhead not found; please provide proper binary or disable this worker (–no-jhead argument or :jhead => false through options)
svgo worker: svgo not found; please provide proper binary or disable this worker (–no-svgo argument or :svgo => false through options)

Here’s how to fix this:

# install jhead
sudo apt-get -y install jhead

# install node.js and svgo
curl -sL https://deb.nodesource.com/setup_8.x | sudo -E bash -
sudo apt-get install -y nodejs
sudo npm install -g svgo

Updated the install script to install jhead as well, need to figure out how to install svgo without adding node as dependency.


I believe there is no problem adding node deps now that our repo has package.json and yarn.lock.


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