Ability to silence users in chat

Hey, confirming that the plugin doesn’t allow category moderators to silence or suspend.

We are working on checking if we can provide some predefined actions as “silence for 1h” and “silence for 24h” to category moderators as a way to allow them to be able to make small punitive actions against users who disrupt discussions while the actual forum moderators have time to see and act on more long term actions… but it’s something that takes time as we need to see if it’s even possible in the first place and we are doing this in our spare time (after work and family).

This would all be easier if we had a proper ACL in Discourse and the possibility to create custom roles as well.

I have also opened a feature request for the same things the plugin does, so that it might be included in the core functionalities.

It seems absurd to me that TL4 users have more power than category moderators, which is what made me start to think of a plugin to remedy that.

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