Category Restrictor plugin

Discourse Category Restrictor

:information_source: Summary Allows staff and category moderators to silence users in specific categories
:hammer_and_wrench: Repository Link
:open_book: Install Guide How to install plugins in Discourse
:moneybag: Sponsored by @Gotchur


Allows staff and category moderators to silence users in specific categories


There is a manage button in category settings - security (for admin)

Because category moderators cannot access the category settings, they get an icon on the category page


The button opens a management modal which allows one to add and remove users

Posting in a category where the user is silenced will give an error popup


Attempting to create a topic in another category and then moving it to a silenced category will fail as well

In addition, the β€œ+ New Topic” and β€œReply” buttons will be disabled and/or removed where applicable.

Future developments (

PRs welcome or PM me for funding :wink:

  • Set an expiry date
  • Hide category from new topic dropdown
  • Hide category from move topic dropdown
  • Ban users instead of silencing them
  • Allow large amounts of users (currently there is no pagination or paginated loading)

That is really valuable moderation tool. Thanks!