Activity summary email option to include all activity

Some of our users would prefer to receive an email summary that includes all activity on the forum from public areas and the groups they belong to. The only work around for them at the moment is mailing list mode, which is a bit overwhelming. I get that the summary is meant as a reminder to visit the forum, but what we’re asking for is a way to see everything without the friction of having to go there. Thanks.


That’s what this plugin provides


Thanks Falco but this would still only provide a summary, not a complete list of activity.

No, it’s a daily digest of all activity, but I can see how the plugin name can be confusing for someone who didn’t read the liked topics in the plugin OP.

For context read Please restore email digests, or at least the AI summary of it.

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Cool, thanks. I’ll see if I can get it going on a hosted plan.