Add moderation of wiki posts

Now any user with the necessary level of trust can edit a wiki post. But not all changes are useful. There are unscrupulous users or competitors who can ruin hundreds of posts and it takes a lot of time to restore them. On this forum they wrote about similar stories.

To reduce the burden on moderators and content creators, I suggest adding the functionality of rejecting/approving changes by moderators to the wiki post.
When editing a wiki post, use the “Suggest Changes” button or a similar name instead of the “edit wiki” button. Thus, any user can make changes, and the creator of the post or moderator will have full control over the content :muscle:.
You can also add mass approval/rejection of changes, as well as always encourage changes for a specific user (good for large communities).


15 posts were merged into an existing topic: Require staff approval for wiki edits in selected categories