Add "Quote reply as new topic" button next to "Quote reply"

Ah yes. That was a hard one to get a balance between “think three moves ahead” and full on off-topic

Looking back and thinking on this aspect out of that friendly fray. …

For some reason I’m thinking ^v icons like sort to toggle - Default “normal” - might work well enough and preserve real estate

I still think the gear is good place. A bit more hidden perhaps, but as low hanging fruit it could have some merit.

I was hoping to get more data sample sets, so with only those of two real sites my thesis sure won’t be getting accepted by Forum Science Journal

Anyway, my conclusion at that time
With the new right gutter, where should "Reply as Linked Topic" go?

… a majority start new topics either quoting or posting a link to the “source” post.
… the number of new topics started by using the Reply As is a considerable percentage.