Add tags based on user selection

One feature I’d love to see is for specific tags to be automatically added based on the checkmark selection a user makes on a question.

Example: What platform do you use?

  • Steam
  • Xbox
  • PC

And when they check one, the relevant tag is applied to the post.


+1 for option to have template set tags


Form templates are great for guiding user input, but using them in certain instances leaves our user (and our team) wanting more.

One example is requiring an answer to the question, “Which version of our software are you inquiring about?”

This question requirement is great because our top contributors don’t have to keep asking as the first response every time anymore. The downside is they still don’t tag properly.

If we could tie required form template responses to tags, where tags are automatically added say, based on the dropdown option they choose, this would make for a great experience for everyone.


I’ve slipped your post over to the existing feature request to keep them grouped together. :+1: