Add text to top navbar to the left of login/signup buttons

position: fixed is very troublesome in some ways because it’s pretty much blind to everything except the viewport.

Instead you can decorate the header-bottons widget with something like this in the header section on desktop (mobile has no space for this)

<script type="text/discourse-plugin" version="0.8">
api.decorateWidget("header-buttons:before", helper => {
  return helper.h("span.header-links", [
        href: "",
        target: "_blank"
    helper.h("span.powered-by", "Powered by"),
        href: ""

and a little bit of SCSS for padding and colors:

.header-links {
  padding-right: 0.5em;
  .powered-by {
    padding: 0 0.25em;
    color: foobar; // <-- change text color
  .custom-header-link {
    color: foobar; // <-- change link colors

that should be enough to create something like this: