Adding category description OR text at end of thread

We have a anonymous category where users need to enter anon mode before they can post. I’ve added instructions to the category description but it’s still not clear to most users that they need to enter anon mode before they can see the “Reply” button. Can anyone point me in the direction of a template file or CSS selector hack that would let me add this to a single category as below:

You need a theme component that will either make the reply button also enter anon mode or to hide all of the other buttons except an v enter-anon-mode button


Thanks Jay, that’s a great idea. But we’re on Discourse hosting so we’re limited in terms of what we can do.

I did add a bit of CSS as per ondrej’s suggestion.

Ideally, it’d be targeted only at non-anon users (would disappear when the user enters anon mode and can see the reply button). Not sure if that’s doable though.

Those are things that can be done with a theme component, so they would work for you. It’s not a trivial fix, though, so you’d likely need a programmer to help. You can ask in marketplace. I’m not quite sure just how hard it would be. An hour or two is a wild guess.


Most plans allow you to install theme components. If you are allowed to install those, you can use CSS Classes for Current User's Groups to apply css to the group which the anonymous users are added to.


I haven’t used anon mode. When that is enabled on the site does it add category permission option?

@moin with the adding of the anon group. Could category permission be set for that category that only Anon group can create/reply?

If so the Field in category settings to display when you can’t post there could give info and even a link for anon mode. I use this for when you need to be in a group to post there with a request join link to said group in my use case.

If this can work if the reply button is hidden with CSS it would need to unhidden for the can’t post pop up.

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I think that is why there is no reply button when users aren’t in anonymous mode
Configuring anonymous posting for specific categories

Is the banner shown when you read a topic?


The banner only shows when you try to reply or I believe create post

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