Adding information about the flag review process

:bookmark: This is a how-to guide on how to modify information about the flags review process.

:person_raising_hand: Required user level: Moderator

At the top of the flag modal generic information about the review process is displayed. By default, this reads:

All flags are received by moderators and will be reviewed as soon as possible.

Modify information

It is good practice to modify this text to indicate any relevant details about your review process, including timelines and how you usually handle flags.

You can modify this in the Site texts page of the admin here: /admin/customize/site_texts?q=review_process_description.

The site text to modify is review_process_description:

Last edited by @hugh 2025-02-20T04:22:52Z

Last checked by @hugh 2025-02-20T04:22:57Z

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