Adding new columns to user lists in groups

Is it possible to add additional columns to the user lists in groups? I have a plugin that I’m attempting to add functionality to, which is adding a column to the users list in groups showing whether a user is Active, Suspended, Silenced, or Deactivated. It looks like the group-index Handlebars template and group-index controller is what I need to target for this, but there isn’t a plugin outlet so I’m wondering what the correct way of adding a new column would be, if that’s able to be done. I’m new to Discourse development so I could be missing something here, but would greatly appreciate any tips. I’ve read through these development guides which are great resources, but I’m currently stuck.

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Hello, welcome to meta :wave:

You can use the group-index-table-header-after-username and group-index-table-row-after-username outlets to insert a header/row next to the username column.

For example:

For the header, you can use the TableHeaderToggle component.
For the row, you can use for example <div class="directory-table__cell directory-table__cell--status">{{this.args.member}} – you can access data with {{this.args.member}}

You will need to fix the grid CSS to include a new column.

.group-members--can-manage {
    grid-template-columns: 3fr repeat(5, minmax(min-content, 1fr)) 3em;

If you want to move the column, the positioning is a bit tricky because of display: contents; however, using order can work.

On a side note, you might have issues getting the user’s status. In my tests, the data was not reflected in member with a user suspended or silenced (silencedTillDate or suspendedTillDate are undefined). I’m not sure if there is a bug here. I did not dig up more, for now!

I hope that helps.


Great, thank you! This helps a lot. I’m realizing now that I wasn’t seeing the group-index-table-header-after-username and group-index-table-row-after-username outlets because the site is using an outdated version of Discourse (2.7).

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You’re welcome!. 2.7! That’s quite old, indeed. :smile:

As a side note, I would highly encourage you to use this component: Plugin outlet locations theme component. Super useful! :+1: