Add more groups to "About Us" page

I have a discourse forum, and I noticed that there is only 2 groups; admin and moderator. Can I add more groups and make them listed on the About us page?

Our Admins 
Our Moderators
Our Trainees
Our Interns
Etc. Etc.

There isn’t a setting you can change to do this, but it’s possible in a theme.

Add this to admin > customize > themes > edit CSS/HTML > common > head

<script type="text/discourse-plugin" version="0.8">
const ajax = require('discourse/lib/ajax').ajax;

  api.registerConnectorClass('about-after-moderators', 'custom-group', { 
    setupComponent(args, component) {

        var groups = ["trainees", "interns"]; // Add group names here
        groups.forEach(function(group) {
            ajax("/groups/" + group + "/members.json").then (function(result){ 
              var groupMembers = [];
              component.set(group, groupMembers); 

<script type="text/x-handlebars" data-template-name="/connectors/about-after-moderators/custom-group"> 

<!-- Duplicate me -->
<section class='about custom'> 
   <h3>{{d-icon "users"}} Our Trainees</h3> <!-- Change icon and title -->
   <div class='users'>
     {{#each trainees as |u|}} <!-- change group name here  -->
       {{user-info user=u}}
<!-- duplicate end -->

<section class='about custom'> 
   <h3>{{d-icon "users"}} Our Interns</h3> <!-- Change icon and title -->
   <div class='users'>
     {{#each interns as |u|}} <!-- change group name here  -->
       {{user-info user=u}}    

<!-- Add more groups here -->


If you want to add more groups:

  1. Add the name where it says // Add group names here and then duplicate one of the sections
  2. Duplicate the section surrounded by <!-- Duplicate me -->
  3. Change the group name and title in the section you just duplicated (where noted)

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