(Superseded) Add a "+ New Topic" button on every page

just sharing my solution for a hypothetical other newbie one like me:

I wanted to have the “+ new topic” everywhere in the circle.plus style (to merge the two options above):

  1. I used @techAPJ codes, and changed the handler name from after-logo to before-notification:
    <script type='text/x-handlebars' data-template-name='/connectors/header-before-notifications/create-new-topic'>
    This step was only needed because I’m using a discourse with rtl-direction.

  2. I used the same style as Dark Material Design , but with a different naming of the style so that I remove the duplicate:
    I named the button as ember-view.btn and turn off the default btn:



the only current problem at the moment is the mobile preview which may not have enough space in the top menu as a result of lots of icons! I’ll find a solution for this later.
but now we have a plus icon next to the user name: