I’m looking at the following theme as a reference.
My goal is to find a way to put up a secondary new topic button that shows up for members of a specific group. This group has access to a private area in the forum and I’d like to be able to have the button in question start a new topic in that area of the forum regardless of their current page. I’m also looking to use a topic template or similar boilerplate functionality with this button. I think I’ve figured out how to selectively add the button based off the primary group class on the body, but I’m not quite familiar enough at the moment to insert some boilerplate text(or topic template) into new topics started with this secondary button. Anyone have any pointers?
Now that you have the id and the category has a topic template, you can copy the code from the theme, make a few modifications, and add it to a separate theme component.
I’v done the modifications here so you can just copy this and change the values as needed:
<script type="text/discourse-plugin" version="0.8.18">
api.decorateWidget("header-buttons:after", helper => {
if (api.getCurrentUser()) {
// edit these two to your liking
var $ntb_text = "button text",
$ntb_icon = "plus",
// no need to edit these
$ntb_icon_class = ".fa-" + $ntb_icon,
$ntb_button_class = "btn btn-default btn btn-icon-text",
$ntb_button_helper = "button#new-create-topic-custom",
$ntb_icon_helper =
"i.fa" + $ntb_icon_class + ".d-icon .d-icon-" + $ntb_icon,
$ntb_label_helper = "span.d-button-label";
const createTopicCustom = function() {
const container = Discourse.__container__;
const Composer = require("discourse/models/composer").default;
const controller = container.lookup("controller:navigation/category");
const composerController = container.lookup("controller:composer");
action: Composer.CREATE_TOPIC,
draftKey: Composer.DRAFT,
// set the category id below
// see site.com/categories.json
// for refrence
categoryId: 3
return helper.h(
className: $ntb_button_class,
title: $ntb_text,
onclick: createTopicCustom
[helper.h($ntb_icon_helper), helper.h($ntb_label_helper, $ntb_text)]
This goes into the </head> section under Common.
Once you’re done, you should have something like this: (I added margins with CSS)
For a PM you’d need to set a few of the composer options differently.
Something like this:
(Same as above, in a theme component in the </head> section)
<script type="text/discourse-plugin" version="0.8.18">
api.decorateWidget("header-buttons:after", helper => {
if (Discourse.User.current()) {
// edit these two to your liking
var $ntb_text = "New Personal Message",
$ntb_icon = "heart",
// no need to edit these
$ntb_icon_class = ".fa-" + $ntb_icon,
$ntb_button_class = "btn btn-default btn btn-icon-text",
$ntb_button_helper = "button#new-create-topic-custom",
$ntb_icon_helper =
"i.fa" + $ntb_icon_class + ".d-icon .d-icon-" + $ntb_icon,
$ntb_label_helper = "span.d-button-label";
const createPM = function() {
const container = Discourse.__container__,
Composer = require("discourse/models/composer").default,
composerController = container.lookup("controller:composer");
action: Composer.PRIVATE_MESSAGE,
// 1- set recipients (Case Sensitive) or comment the line below
usernames: "discobot,john,mike",
// 2- set title or comment the line below
topicTitle: "Title",
// 3- uncomment the line below to set a "template" for PM.
// Not really recommended will
// override any drafts everytime the
// button is pressed
// topicBody: "placeholder content",
// no need to change these
archetypeId: "private_message",
return helper.h(
className: $ntb_button_class,
title: $ntb_text,
onclick: createPM
[helper.h($ntb_icon_helper), helper.h($ntb_label_helper, $ntb_text)]
Obviously, if you plan on using all three buttons you can reduce the size of the code quite drastically because most of it is shared by all three, but I kept things separate because some might just want to use one and not all three.
What this will do is add a button to the header like so:
I already left a comment in the code about setting any placeholder content in the body for PMs using this method. It’s not recommended unless you have a very specific template. This will override any previously saved PM drafts everytime you use the button.
That’s why it’s “off” by default in the code above.
I’ve tested this a bit and have not seen any problems. If you encounter anything let me know.
Love it. Worked perfectly. Thanks Joe, you’re awesome!
I noticed the user names are case sensitive. If a username’s case is wrong, the name appears in the recipient list, but the PM won’t send. Suggest you add this to your comments: -
// 1- set recipients (Case Sensitive) or comment the line below
usernames: "discobot,john,mike",
Hi @Johani - thank you, I have implemented this, but a bit too successfully!
Would it be possible to make a new personal message header button appear only selectively for those who have access to personal messaging? New users by default don’t have access to PM so should not see this button…
We have set the site setting (for our TL0, TL1 and TL2 users (who therefor are restricted from personal messaging))
One way to do this is to look up the current user’s trust level and use that as a base to determine whether or not to create the PM button.
You would use something like this:
<script type="text/discourse-plugin" version="0.8.18">
// no need to edit these
const container = Discourse.__container__,
controller = container.lookup("controller:application"),
trust = controller.get("currentUser.trust_level");
api.decorateWidget("header-buttons:after", helper => {
// change desired trust level here
if (Discourse.User.current() && trust >= "2") {
// edit these two to your liking
var $ntb_text = "New Personal Message",
$ntb_icon = "heart",
// no need to edit these
$ntb_icon_class = ".fa-" + $ntb_icon,
$ntb_button_class = "btn btn-default btn btn-icon-text",
$ntb_button_helper = "button#new-create-topic-custom",
$ntb_icon_helper =
"i.fa" + $ntb_icon_class + ".d-icon .d-icon-" + $ntb_icon,
$ntb_label_helper = "span.d-button-label";
const createPM = function() {
const Composer = require("discourse/models/composer").default,
composerController = container.lookup("controller:composer");
action: Composer.PRIVATE_MESSAGE,
// 1- set recipients (Case Sensitive) or comment the line below
usernames: "discobot,john,mike",
// 2- set title or comment the line below
topicTitle: "Title",
// 3- uncomment the line below to set a "template" for PM.
// Not really recommended will
// override any drafts everytime the
// button is pressed
// topicBody: "placeholder content",
// no need to change these
archetypeId: "private_message",
return helper.h(
className: $ntb_button_class,
title: $ntb_text,
onclick: createPM
[helper.h($ntb_icon_helper), helper.h($ntb_label_helper, $ntb_text)]
Yes, that would also be possible as well. You can use something like this in the header section of a theme component
<script type="text/discourse-plugin" version="0.8">
const i18nTopicLable = I18n.lookup("topic.create");
api.modifyClass("component:create-topic-button", {
didInsertElement: function() {
var button = $(this),
category = button[0].parentView.get("category"),
label = button[0].label,
newTopicLabel = "topic.create",
buttonText = "";
if (category) {
categoryName = category.name;
if (label != newTopicLabel) {
} else {
switch (categoryName) {
case "category1": // category name
buttonText = "category1 text"; // button text
// repeat
case "category2":
buttonText = "category2 text";
// add more above this line
buttonText = i18nTopicLable;
$("#create-topic .d-button-label").text(buttonText);
To add new categories, you only need to add this above where it says default
case "category":
buttonText = "text";
If you have a pending draft and the button says “open draft” the script won’t fire.
I’ve created a small preview on theme creator and changed the text for the movies, tech, school, videos and gaming categories
Edit: @dax informed me that I had missed something in the snippet I posted previously and so I updated it and the preview so be sure to use the latest one @tophee