Adding Signatures to Discourse

In the past I’ve published several automotive forums and am looking into use of Discourse to launch a new automotive forum. Using VBulletin previously, we were able to include signatures (sometimes with active links), title lines that were sometimes serious… say for administrators and moderators or commercial/advertiser/company representatives, or humorous for longtime users. I don’t see that sort of customization on my Profile here and was wondering if this can be added. Other functionality such as some photo uploading of personal cars that helps them nest a bit and create their own profile/space might also be cool, but am not aware of any of this sort of functionality.

Given the objective I’ve seen for this platform is to be more of a WordPress model, I’m curious if the Discourse team or any plugin programmers have worked on such functionality.

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From what I hear the core team of Discourse is not too keen on signatures… I believe there was some movement around a plugin on that front, but I’m not aware of a working one just yet.