Discourse Signatures

:discourse2: Summary Discourse Signatures adds old school forum signatures to Discourse.
:hammer_and_wrench: Repository Link https://github.com/discourse/discourse-signatures
:open_book: Install Guide How to install plugins in Discourse

We all know forum signatures are a relic of the past, but there are still a lot of communities that really love them. Since Discourse is :rainbow: I crafted a plugin that lets us take back our much loved (gif animated) signatures!


The Signatures plugin can be enabled either by the toggle or from its settings, both accessible from your /admin/plugins page:

After that, each user can enable the signature setting on their /preferences/profile page and select a signature:

And that’s it!

Advanced Configuration Mode

You can also enable advanced mode in the plugin settings and use a full-blown post editor to create your signature! With text, multiple images, etc.


Name Description
signatures enabled Enable user-made signatures below posts
signatures advanced mode Let users use a full-blown post editor to create signatures. (:warning: RESETS all existing signatures)
signatures visible by default Make signatures visible by default. This makes signatures visible for anonymous visitors as well


Thanks to @charleswalter who pushed for this and made it possible, @eviltrout who made it compatible, and the Discourse team for such an amazing project.

:discourse2: Hosted by us? This plugin is available on our Enterprise plans


A post was split to a new topic: Are post Signatures really a thing of the past?

3 posts were split to a new topic: User preference to show/hide Signatures?

Hi, it would be useful to me to be able to restrict that signature functionality to a certain group. Is it feasible? Thanks.




Agreed. It needs this.

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Read up on the link Lilly shared. With CSS you can hide signatures in the user menu I believe if not part of x group or groups.


3 posts were split to a new topic: Include Signatures plugin on more hosted plans

+1 on the desire for making this available to selectable groups.


You can likely use a bit of CSS in a custom Theme component to display none if not part of one of the so to speak allowed groups. You will need I believe the additional theme component that adds a current user groups as classes.

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Would someone mind listing their discourse site to see the implementation of this plugin or provide screenshots? I would like to see what the screens look like for this plugin.

You do have a screenshot in the first post. Are you looking for something specific?

The provided screenshot does not show a text-only sample. I would like to see how it treats text.


Here are some screenshots:

The settings:

The user’s profile with Signatures advanced mode enabled:

The result:

Does it help?


I’d love the ability to restrict signatures to certain groups. This would allow forums to offer signatures as a perk for higher-level users while keeping the overall experience clean for others.


I would like this also. It would be really useful.

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