That works great, if you want to only display the buttons on certain categories then you can do some fairly simple logic to check the category name. I also filter out “closed” topics for my “unsolved” button.
This is what I use:
Discourse.ExternalNavItem = Discourse.NavItem.extend({
href : function() {
return this.get('href');
I18n.translations.en.js.filters.Completed = { title: "Completed", help: "Topics that have been marked as solved" };
I18n.translations.en.js.filters.Outstanding = { title: "Outstanding", help: "Topics that are not yet marked as solved" };
buildList : function(category, args) {
var list = this._super(category, args);
if(!category) {
//Don't display anything
}else if(category.slug==='support') {
list.push(Discourse.NavItem.create({href: '/c/support?solved=yes', name: "Completed"}));
list.push(Discourse.NavItem.create({href: '/c/support?solved=no&status=open', name: "Outstanding"}));
}else if(category.slug==='jobs') {
list.push(Discourse.NavItem.create({href: '/c/jobs?solved=yes', name: "Completed"}));
list.push(Discourse.NavItem.create({href: '/c/jobs?solved=no&status=open', name: "Outstanding"}));
return list;