Admin Dashboard Report Reference Guide

Thanks Jammy, it does add up to the numbers in the stock report :]

Brilliant :slight_smile:

Inspired by your questions, Sara has done a burst of mapping the SQL out for the other dashboard reports, including one for Time to First Response with the hours as the decimal to match the stock report more closely - Dashboard Report - Time to First Response

You can also find the others using the dashboard-sql tag (with more en route :steam_locomotive: :slight_smile:)


I wanted to provide an update here, and let anyone watching this topic know that the guide has now been updated to link to all corresponding SQL topics for each report. :tada:

If you have any questions or comments about the individual SQL queries for these reports, please share your thoughts on those topics. :slightly_smiling_face:


You did a fantastic job. :+1:

It’s a great source of inspiration to understand how the queries are made, and your thorough explanations made it easy! :clap: