Through some sort of bug with our forum’s migration from Vbulletin awhile back, I ended up watching a ton of threads posted by other admins. And by tons, I mean 758.
Normally this wouldn’t be an issue but for some reason recently I’m getting CONSTANT notifications from years-old threads. As far as I can tell nobody is making new posts to those ancient threads, and yet they pop up in my notifications anyway. There’s no real commonality to these threads other than that they were created by other forum admins, who assumedly wanted to watch them, before September 2016.
I don’t have any categories watched, and indeed tried watching, muting, and then setting every category to normal. Didn’t help, every couple of minutes I get a new notification about a thread nobody’s looked at since 2013.
We’re running v2.3.0.beta9 +7, if that matters.
Is there any way to unwatch all threads for my user? I’m willing to run DB commands if necessary.
Edit: Upgraded to v2.3.0.beta10 +58, didn’t fix it. It looks like I get a slew of new notifications every 14-16 minutes, so I went into Sidekiq and tried manually triggering jobs, but none of them created new notifications.
The notifications are for “new” replies to threads I’m watching, for some reason. But the replies are from years ago.
Nobody else is reporting it. I think it’s something to do with my being an admin, as you can see all the notifications are for threads posted by admins that were linked to our wordpress frontpage.
That sounds suspect. If you go to “unread” you should be able to bulk dismiss. Depend on how many topics were imported it might take a while, but other than that you would need to do some kind of console command, if one is possible.
Bulk dismiss works fine, until 15-30 minutes later when I get a dozen more in my notifications. There’s some batch process that keeps generating these notifications!
My user is in admins, moderators, staff, and TL0 through TL4. No custom groups. I looked through them and don’t see anywhere to set category watching on. Where would I look to find that?
No third-party in Discourse, no. Plugins are discourse-affiliate, discourse-patreon, discourse-spoiler-alert, and docker_manager.
We do have Wordpress integration but that comes from the Wordpress side and I’m not clear on how it works. We’re running the WP-Discourse-Embed from Arpit and some sort of custom “discourse topic fixer” that I just noticed was updated June 4th and am going to follow up on immediately.
Edit: Yeah, that WP plugin was the problem, they are reformatting the way every Discourse-linked post looks and didn’t tell me about it beforehand. Sorry for wasting your time on this.