Admin - moderation flags is not in old-style admin menu

When the admin sidebar menu is not used (i.e. you’re an admin and your group is not in admin sidebar enabled groups ) then the moderation flags configuration at /admin/config/flags is nowhere to be found.

Expected: it can be accessed through the old-style admin menu as well

EDIT related discussion Where to find moderation flags controls? - #14 by Heliosurge

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This is not a bug. We are not supporting the horizontal admin nav anymore and everyone should be moving to the admin sidebar. If you want you can acess it using the review link in the forum sidebar.

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Maybe add a warning to the setting, or remove the setting ?

That sounded helpful but I’m not seeing it there… :thinking:


I see the review link on the sidebar here on meta. Maybe it was added back manually, or removed from your forum? Can you try adding it? I believe it will not be shown to users who do not have access.

We will be deprecating the horizontal nav soon.

Maybe I misread your post. I obviously see the “Review” link but I thought you said that the moderation flags configuration was accessible through that link:

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Oh, sorry. I did not read your post carefully enough. I thought you were talking about the review queue.

I think we are understanding each other now. If you want access to new pages being added to the admin interface, you need to use the new admin sidebar.

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